Hello everyone. I was thinking of using the questions at the beginning of the Bible as small presentations.
The first question is Who is God?
There are plenty of scriptures that explain this, but the one that is short and straight to the point I could see was Psalms 100:3.
It says: “3 Know that Jehovah is God. He is the one who made us, and we belong to him. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.”
Question in Korean:
The first question in Korean is 하느님은 어떤 분입니까?
Remember the sentence order is SOV: Subject, Object, Verb. Let’s take this one at a time.
하느님은 means God.
어떤 means is.
분입니까 means Who. (니까- makes it a question.)
Romanization: Ha-nu-nim-oun uh-ttun bou-im-ni-kka.
Scripture in Korean:
시편 100:3 “여호와가 하느님이심을 알아라. 그분이 우리를 지으셨으니 우리는 그분의 것이다.”
What words do you recognize?
Before you scroll down to romanization try to read the scripture in Hangul.
Romanization: She-pyun 100:3 “yeo-ho-wa-ga ha-nu-nim-ee-shim-ul al-ah-ra. Ku-boun-ee ou-ri-rulr ji-oh-syutt-uh-ni ou-ri-nun ku-boun-aye gus-ee-da.”
What question’s do you want to see next? Suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading.